DAISY Award Recognizes Compassionate Care Delivered by Barger

Trixie Barger, RN, Acute, was named Story County Medical Center’s DAISY Award honoree on May 8. This is the third year Story Medical has awarded the honor. A total of 18 nurses were recognized for receiving a nomination this year.

 Trixie has served as an RN at Story Medical since 2019. Her nomination came from a patient who was struggling emotionally. The nomination reads:

 "Being in the hospital can feel isolating and lonely. I also struggle with 'getting along' with my grown children at times. On this particular night I was really struggling with these emotions. The minute Trixie saw me, she had the intuition to 'just know' that 'something was up.' Her presence alone calmed me. She listened to me as I shared my frustrations. Then, we started talking about the beautiful purple lilacs out my hospital window. Again, she stayed and listened as I shared the beautiful memories I have from my grandma’s lilacs. I can talk forever, and she was patient with me. It’s like she knew how this talk would truly boost my spirits. Later that evening she came back in my room with a cup that had a few lilacs from the bush, so I could enjoy the smell. Again, the smell flooded me with all the beautiful memories from Grandma’s house. It doesn’t seem like 'thank you' is enough, and I want Trixie to know her kindness and compassion will never be forgotten by me."

 Other nominees recognized at the event included Amanda Allan, Christina Goodlaxson, Tisha Zink, Jeff Helbing, Amy Clark, Cathy Haley, Sarah Jiles, Elaine Struthers, Josh Roberts, Hannah Kalous, Shanna Lynch, Lori Beckman, Jamie Nelson, Elisa Bloemker, Jami Trickey, Ann Squier and Patience Bryant. All nominations were filled with gratitude for the compassionate care these nurses provide.

 Story County Medical Center has recognized nurses with the internationally-known DAISY Award since 2021.

 The DAISY (Diseases Attacking the Immune SYstem) Award is an international recognition program that honors and celebrates the skillful, compassionate care nurses provide every day.

 The award is coordinated at the national level by the DAISY Foundation, which was established by the family of J. Patrick Barnes after he died from complications of the auto-immune disease ITP in 1999. During his hospitalization, they deeply appreciated the care and compassion shown to Patrick and his entire family.

 When he died, they felt compelled to say “thank you” to nurses in a very public way, which led to the creation of the foundation and the award. To learn more, visit DAISYFoundation.org.

 At Story Medical, the Purdue Global School of Nursing financially underwrites the hospital’s participation in the DAISY Award program. Nominations for the DAISY Award can be made throughout the year. Learn more at www.storymedical.org/DAISY.


Photo: Trixie (third from left) is pictured receiving the DAISY Award from Vice President of Patient Care MaryJane Hunt (second from left) with former winners Josh Roberts, RN (left), and Travis Clark, RN (right).